Permanent Brows
Microblading is a method of semi-permanent cosmetic tattooing in which a manual tool with blade is used to implant pigment into the skin to create the appearance of hair-like strokes in order to achieve fuller brows.
For desired and maximum retention 3 appointments are recommended for the best results: Initial Appointment, Touch Up Appointment, & annual Color Boost Appointment.
First Microblading Procedure:
The initial Microblading appointment is $500 with our owner Michelle Martinez. We do offer a more budget friendly option. We offer an apprentice price of $200. The apprentice is a graduate of our sister company Beso Beauty School, but we cannot guarantee the client will have the same apprentice during the follow up appointment due to the apprenticeship program lasting 1-3 months.
Follow Up (After 30 - 60 Days):
A Microblading touch-up appointment is required 30-60 days after the first Microblading procedure. The price is $200 as long as the client returns within this time frame. The follow up is an opportunity to add, darken, and/or adjust eyebrows because the brows will naturally fade from 30-60%.
A Combo/Ombre Brow touch-up appointment is required 30-60 days after the first Combo/Ombre Brow procedure. The price is $250 as long as the client returns within this time frame. The follow up is an opportunity to add, darken, and/or adjust eyebrows because the brows will naturally fade from 30-60%.
Color Boost (6-12 Months):
Mostly known as a maintenance appointment, a Microblading color boost is scheduled for clients that have received the first Microblading procedure and the follow-up procedure. Clients wishing to maintain appearance will need to come back every 6-12 months to receive a color boost. The cost of a Microblading color boost starting price is $300+ and will increase according to how much the client's eyebrows have faded and/or if the client exceeded recommended amount of time to return.
Mostly known as a maintenance appointment, a Combo/Ombre color boost is scheduled for clients that have received the first Combo/Ombre procedure and the follow-up procedure. Clients wishing to maintain appearance will need to come back every 12-18 months to receive a color boost. The cost of a Combo/Ombre color boost starting price is $400+ and will increase according to how much the client's eyebrows have faded and/or if the client exceeded recommended amount of time to return.

Delicate or sensitive skin areas may swell or redden. It is advised not to make social plans on the day of the procedure.
If unwanted hair is normally removed in the area to be treated, i.e., tweezing or waxing, the hair removal should be done at least 48 hours prior to your procedure. Do not resume any method of hair removal for two weeks following the procedure. Electrolysis should be avoided at least five days prior to the procedure.
Must refrain from dying eyebrows at least 48 hours before the procedure. Wait one week after the eyebrow procedure before dying brows.
Avoid consuming alcohol or caffeine at least 48 hours before the procedure.
Do not use aspirin or ibuprofen for 7 days prior to your procedure.
There must be a waiting period of 1 month (30 days) after receiving Dysport, Botox, or filler injections to receive permanent cosmetic services. Please remember to schedule accordingly.
If pregnant, you must wait until the 2nd trimester to receive any permanent makeup services.
Pre-treatment Advice: